On the following sites we present you the breed standards of our cats by World Cat Federation (WCF). Because of the large size of the colors of the points, which may appear, we just show an extract. For more information we refer to the sites of the WCF: www.wcf-online.de
Beforehand we want to tell you some words about the personality of each breed.
The Abyssinian:
The charming Abyssinians are self-willed, very intelligent, curious and tame cats. With their mettlesome, activ, playful and attached behavior, the “Aby” fills its owner with enthusiasm anew every day.
The Oriental Shorthair:
The OSH is wellknown for its attaching and gregarious character. This raze is full of life, playful, sociable, tame and docile. From it’s owner it expects much allocation.
The Siamese:
Typical characteristics of siameses are Intelligence, attachment and curiosity. Siameses are extraordinary attaching and goodnatured cats and they are wellknown for their strong voice, with which they do like to chat. Because of their patience and perseverance in playing, they are excellently fit as playmate for children.
The taditonal Siamese (Thai):
The Thai, a traditional Siamese, is intelligent, very attentive, curios and all the time looking for close contact with the person who it belongs to. Thais are very attaching and do not just live in their home but they live together with their man. It is kind against members of the same species and against other pets e.g. dogs. Hunden ist sie sehr gesellig. Because of their patience and perseverance in playing, they are excellently fit as playmate for children.