Other Thai- Siamese- and/or OSH- Breeders:
www.siam-traditionell.de Bellezza Gatta’s Thaikatzen in Potsdam. Here we got Cleo and Bobby-Lee.
www.thai-siam.de Yungayas traditional Siameses and OSH. Susanne Cramer-Rössner’s cattery near Dresden. Here you may find Dackel and Whippets either.
www.cobras-zwinger.de We found our Tinkerbell in familiy Bouzannane’s cattery in Berlin.
www.catterys.de Here you may find links to other Thai- and Siamese-Breeders and of course breeders of other races.
Our favourite vets:
www.tierarztamwestend.de www.lombardi-berlin.de
In these shops we buy our cat-food, scratching posts and much more:
www.zooplus.de An Internetshop not just for cat-owners
www.katzenspezialshop.de an excellent shop, where breeders get all they need
www.filipsfoodstore.de best cat- and dog- food
Other Sites which we prefer:
www.apelt-design.de Apelt design sells many things arround cats and many other animals.